The lovely James Hunter aka @thejameshunter felt really bad that he had not contributed to our travelling moleskine project so laid himself at our feet demanding that he make amends…what were we to do? We think he can take himself off the hook now.
James tell us a little about Coyote Creative…what do you get up to?
Coyote was started by me and my business partner Lee Akers 6 years ago. We had worked together in various guises for a few years and eventually decided to go it alone. Originally we intended to push forward as kind of ‘one stop shop’ design agency but of late we are refocusing and marketing ourselves more as a creative team. We still use a host of freelancers for illustration, web programming and product design but we work best when we can have full control of a project from conception to completion taking on all aspects of the design, photography, copywriting and production. When working together we are greater than the sum of our parts.
What really puts fire in your belly?
For me it’s working with the music industry. I have a passion for music and design and being able to combine the two suits me just perfectly. For Lee it’s working on fashion design projects although we do both work together on projects in each area.
Anything you have been playing around with recently?
Amongst other things we have just designed the new Sunshine Underground album and all the singles that will be released from it and we’re just in the process of designing a website for music video director Dave Aspinall and a range of clothes for Teddy Smith as well as dabbling in a little bit of decoupage.
Whose work do you really admire?
I really love the work of Peter Saville, Obey and Catalina Estrada but I find inspiration in pretty much everything from friends who are designers to stuff I see every day like street art, signage, old record covers, what people are wearing, crisps packets, sausage rolls (I eat too many of them). Pretty much anything… I have a weird imagination.
If you were granted Freedom of Leeds what would you get up to?
I’d improve the climate…. Leeds can be a little too grey for much of the year. Mind you… that’s playing god not having the freedom of the city. I’d like introduce a city wide festival for all ages like the Queens Day Celebrations in Amsterdam which are amazing and if I get one selfish wish I’d also open a smokers only pub.
Check their work out at & copywriting website