In my opinion, any person who describes David Dickinson as “an aging Thundercat,” deserves a Knighthood. However, considering that the author of said comment also describes The Queen as “perpetually wearing an expression like someone’s … opened a packet of s**tbiscuits under her nose,” this is not likely to happen.
The Hell Of It All is a collection of Charlie Brooker’s columns from ‘The Guardian’ sees Brooker dissect televisual offerings and general culture from 2007 onwards with an always hilarious and often scatological outlook. From the machinations of reality TV shows (which Brooker loves to tear apart, even though he obviously has a sneaking regard for them all) to a road trip to Las Vegas, Brooker is scathing, rude and – mostly – very funny. Sometimes, his misanthropic style becomes a bit wearisome – as does his obsession with bodily fluids – but when you scratch beneath the surface, you can tell that he genuinely cares about the subjects he writes about. How else could he get so worked up about the rubbish on TV and life that we’re subjected to every day?
A grand collection that rallies against the iniquities of the modern age. Thank goodness for that.
The Hell Of It All is available now, published by Faber & Faber, from all good stockists. Go to www.faber.co.uk for more information on the book and other Faber & Faber titles.
Thanks to Faber & Faber we have 2 copies to give away to our lovely readers. So if you would like the chance to win one please head on down to the comments box and tell us which reality show you HATE and why…
Please be sure to read our terms and conditions which you are deemed to have accepted by entering! Winners will be picked at random using random.org so why not give it a go!Closing date: 15th February 2010
I just admitted to not liking ‘Imagine’ to my office mates-I am now a soul-less shambling shell of a human, fit for nothing but contempt and eviction from the team… Bummer!
Repeating my tweet of earlier… ALL OF THEM. With the possible exception of The Monastery, but that was a different kind of “reality”…
i can’t stand ‘i’m a celebrity’ now. it’s run its course and i’m fed up with the eating of the bugs!
Apart from X Factor, I get irritated by most of them. Any that involve ‘celebrities’ really grate on me though!
Such is my hatred of all reality tv shows that I appear to have a ‘sick sense’ which warns me that garbage is spewing out of the screen and I need to either switch channels (often risky as a rival reality show may be on at the same time) or turn off the tv (or ‘novacaine of the soul’ as I call it).
So alas, I am unable to name one of these shows as I have never watched one.
That must make me a winner. Can I have my book please?
An ex-girlfriend used to make me sit through entire episodes of the X-Factor and the follow-up show that was on ITV2 straight after it, but I can’t remember precisely why I hated it because I resorted to self-lobotomisation to ease the pain of the experience.
Im a celebrity is pretty dire IMHO. Its just the same old stuff every time now. We need a new way to humiliate ‘celebrities’!
The jungle one. When the most exciting part of a TV show is an idiot eating some grubs then you know it’s bad.
Big Brother – Mainly because when I worked in an office thats all people would go on about for days.. the problem with it was that nothing was actually interesting.. they failed a task so couldn’t have wine for the weeks shopping budget… wow…
I’m a celebrity – first of all are you? are a you REALLY? or are you just an out of work child actor that can only find this and some insurance commercials to fill the day, oh and I blame you for Kerry Katona
X-factor / Britains probably got talent – The fact that this show gets 16 million viewers each week makes me worried about Britain.. I think the real reason I hate this show is because it shows the true nature of being british, we love an underdog and will root for the underdog, as soon as the underdog starts getting popular… well they are obviously getting too big for the boots.. oh and what ever happened to that Leon fella…
Wife Swap – I was expecting a completely different program and was quite disappointed.
Shipwreaked / Survivor – Lets stick 20 young fit people on an island for a month and lets see what happens… no we don’t need any fat people on the island that wouldn’t do would it?
Dancing on ice – I’d rather watch the spin off, Dancing on fire.
Hells Kitchen – I’ve worked in a kitchen and my boss swore a lot more than Ramsay does, he also had a habit of throwing stuff… these people have it easy.
Deal or No Deal – Box 5, 6, 2, 15, 3, *ring* no 7,8,1, *ring* no, 4,9,11 *ring* no, open the box… job done… I’ve just saved you about 30 minutes of tv viewing there
Big Brother, it is the most pointless programme ever, with some of the most pointless stupid people on the planet. not entertaining in the slightest.
Dear Gillian you have been chosen at random to win this prize. Please email to send address details emma at the culturevulture.co.uk
‘snog, marry avoid’…orange women, with FAAAAR too much make up and no clothes telling me how ‘hot’ they are! they all look like they need a wash. Surely only they watch this!
Hello Darth. You also win a book well done. Email me on emma at theculturevulture.co.uk with your address details to send the book on.
PS We don’t wear any make up or clothes!
Oh My God!!! I like them all (blush, blush). Hang on, hang on, I didn’t like the ‘At Home with Sharon Osbourne and family’ – that counts are reality, doesn’t it? lol
This competition is now closed.