We’re celebrating our 4th Birthday this week,and this is our 2222nd post. We realised that we rarely blow our own trumpet. And when I say WE and Our, it really is amazing when you stop to think just how many people give their time and enthusiasm to a project that seems to only just scrape the surface of what’s possible. We’re not alone in Leeds extolling the virtues of great stuff to do, support and enjoy and for this we feel really lucky.
We came across Shiftless when Idle, the contributor of this post, initially by way of his cool tote bag in Laynes Espresso, we started following him so were very touched to read a comment about his appreciation of a recent post on Colours May Vary. So we asked if he’d mind elaborating a bit about why he enjoys this website. We hope you don’t mind us posting something really positive, as it’s warmed us hugely, and gives us the impetus to keep striving to be even better.
So without further ado over to Mr Shiftless When Idle
I’m not grasping too many straws here am I? It surely wouldn’t be a lurch into the unknown to say that as far as this internet thing goes we all have our peccadilloes? I mean sure…We probably ALL spend time sweeping up those snack-sized friends-updates on Facebook and Twitter and, as a wee extension of that I suppose the fanboy/girl in us all just can’t help perhaps ‘keeping up to date’ with things and people we like to think as on our wavelengths…
No matter how much we try and explain away the fact that following what Charlie Brooker is up to or keeping an eye on what’s coming up at some obscure venue in Brighton isn’t partly about aligning ourselves with our idea of coolness, and of course, with the emotive meanings of the words ‘Liking’ and ‘Following’ sort of giving the game away it’s kind of churlish to not admit it…So faced with the last 7 years of learning and refining an online etiquette and persona that’s right for us I wonder if any of you have the same problem as me? A constant nagging that I’m not at all using the full potential of what’s actually on here…I mean, this whole online multi-verse….Have you honestly tried traversing the damn thing without feeling a little daunted? I’m of course directing these musing to YOU…Yep, the kind of person, like me who chooses to align themselves to a site like THE CULTURE VULTURE…
Ok so maybe I am actually being presumptuous with this whole ‘laying it on you’ type shtick but lets face it, you must be interested in the arty-farty culture-verse to be on here…Maybe like me you actually do find swathes of your time hooked into supporting the interesting people and places around town…Course you do, every time you choose to spend your hard earned cash or devote an hour to someone’s passionate vision then that’s the kick isn’t it? Everyone get’s a real good deal all round don’t they….
But, and here comes the crux of it all, sometimes I feel there’s so much out there…So much GOOD and INSPIRING blurb on the net or out and about that it feel overwhelming…Sure we can filter out the ‘pretend’ indies with their kooky idea’s of personifying your shopping ‘experiences’ (like writing your name on a cup of coffee…But failing to pay tax) or the masquerade-sites, those illustration-strewn hipster-fishing hubs that are actually corporate chain sponsored adverts (quite often indicators of imminent mid-life crises) but what of the stuff that’s REALLY out there? The un-sponsored passions, the non-chain bar brilliance, the mad scientist musings…What of the bespoke brilliance of an art collectives idea that’s languishing un-appreciated? Or the slept on freaky film and music nights, the histrionic walks…the conceptual oddness out there waiting for you to enjoy?
Often when on holiday we head towards the website and time-out type listings that mostly fit into our idea of what culture is…and trial and error enables us to sniff out the real corporate pretenders or money grubbing ‘free-mags’ but on our very door-step we’re lucky to have CULTURE VULTURE….And thankfully you’re already here….Yep, if like me you actually appreciate CULTURE VULTURE then you’ll already feel like you’ve got more than an obscure flyer in the back of a magazine racks’ chance of knowing what’s actually out there….Yep, somewhere down the line, something you liked, or someone you followed led you here…So now’s the easy part…
If it’s your first time then just check out some of the previous posts to see just what’s happening out there….And I reckon you might find yourself around some like-minded company and doing getting involved and supporting some STRANGE but SATISFYING ideas…The reason I have CULTURE VULTURE in my bookmarks is pretty simple and if you regularly read it then my guess is that you’ll see that simple reason like a glaring lighthouse, Yep THE CULTURE VULTURE is now 4 Years Old and long may it continue swallowing up little pieces of my time!
I’m a not-so-new-now Leeds resident. Over the past few years CV has helped me find fun, make friends, and grow business.
CV is great because it offers a wealth of options and inspiration, covering events from all areas of interest with a sense of humour and honestly that I trust.
The contributors are very accessible, responsive and human, coming across as genuine in all their social media.
For me, CV is more than just a”what’s on” in Leeds. It’s the quirky underside, the digital heartbeat of the city.
I love you because you let me write for you and sometimes you take me out drinking, which passes the time.
I love you because I like to think I am creative in my job. You often supply me with a new spin and smart content. Its backed up by some real people who are good writers making it credible. Im not cultured. You are.
CV has gradually made my eyes open up to peoples opinions. CV allows people, like me, to take part and stay connected, and also have a few friends.