Leeds Ceilidh

ceilidhA ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) is a social dance event which is also loads of fun.

Thursday 10th November, 7.30pm-10.30pm, Left Bank Leeds, Cardigan road, LS6 1LJ

You might have been to a ceilidh before at a wedding reception or you may have never even heard of one before. Its a bit like a barn dance, but its not line dancing, or morris dancing (so don’t panic!).

But I can’t dance/ won’t know what to do….
It’s ok, the band has a caller, a guy who teaches each dance and then shouts out the moves as you dance. The steps are really simple.

If I come I will be forced to dance…
Maybe by your mates but not by us, if you want to sit at the side with a beer that is fine, you wont be picked out by the band or pressured to get up and dance.

But I will look stupid if I get it wrong…
Everyone gets it wrong at some point- I do all of the time, its part of the fun.

Its only £6 a ticket, there is a bar, £2-£2.50 a drink. The band are the awesome Blackbeard’s Tea Party, a really young, lively fun band, worth coming to listen to even if you don’t want to dance.

Great as a work or club social, and also enjoyed by older kids (who are welcome 1/2 price).

Any profits will be donated to ‘Life for African Mothers‘ a fantastic worthwhile charity that provides life saving medications to pregnant women in sub Saharan Africa.

More details can be found on the Facebook group or by emailing [email protected]


      1. Hello! Do you still run the ceilidhs? I would love to go to one for my hen do but can’t find if any are happening in Leeds at the right time. Might you be willing to team up with me and organise one? Long shot but figured it was worth asking! 🙂

  1. I’m a long time watcher and I just considered I’d drop by and say hi there there for the incredibly initially time.

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