Win Something, Something, Something Dark Side on DVD

CV SomethingWhether you think that he’s a genius or are firmly of the belief  that he couldn’t direct himself out of a wet paper bag, I think that everyone can agree that George Lucas a least has a sense of humour. Family Guy: Something, Something, Something Dark Side –– is a pitch perfect spoof of The Empire Strikes Back made with the full blessing of Lucas. A follow up to the Family Guy version of Star Wars – entitled Blue Harvest – this brings back all the Family Guy characters to inhabit the Star Wars Universe. Chris Griffin is Luke Skywalker, Peter is Han Solo and – perhaps best of all – Stewie is a miniature Darth Vader.

This gleefully takes the rise out of the franchise with jokes abound about the true nature of Yoda (he loves DVD extras don’t you know), Stormtroopers who wear shirts to go out clubbing and how the ending of Empire should REALLY have gone. But it’s still done with a great deal of love and affection for the series and makes use of the original soundtrack, sound effects and other surprises to make a funny parody. Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane provides a slew of great voices (including the Henry Higgins inspired tones of Stewie) but kudos also to Seth Green whose Chris/Luke  is very funny indeed and carries along the whole show. It is rather rude for those who are easily offended and those who don’t know the Star Wars films will find a lot of it sailing over their heads. But those who know exactly what a Tauntaun is will laugh long and loud at the swearing, silliness and sci-fi fun of it all.

Family Guy: Something, Something, Something Dark Side is released on 28th December, on DVD and Blu Ray and certificate 15, by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment and is available at all good stores and online.

Thanks to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment we have 3 copies of the DVD to give away to our lovely readers. So if you would like the chance to win one please head on down to the comments box and tell us more about your favourite Star Wars character. The more obscure the better!

Please be sure to read our terms and conditions which you are deemed to have accepted by entering! Winners will be picked at random using so why not give it a go!Closing date: 17th January 2010


AND THE WINNERS ARE: John Rivers, Imran Ali & julian. Congrats to you all – emails are winging their way to you now. Sorry there is no image as have limited technology so you’ll just have to trust us!


  1. Ah those countless, hapless, terrified Imperial Officers. It was fine when Grand Moff Tarkin was in charge, keeping everyone in check while ‘holding Vader’s leash’, but then WHAM! the Rebels destroy the Death Star and suddenly Vader’s given control of the whole Imperial Navy and puts them on a vendetta to find and kill the Alliance.

    And who is Vader’s number 2 in this most important of missions? Admiral Ozzel AKA Mr Bronson AKA the late, great Michael Sheard.

    Growing up in the 80s Sheard was the most evil man in the world – literally in the case of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where he played Hitler (a role he prepped for by playing Hitler as an alien supercriminal in the reprehensible ‘Hitler’s Last Secret’ episode of The Tomorrow People). So it was no surprise to find him part of Vader’s entourage in The Empire Strikes Back.

    Ozzel’s career is carefully mapped out in the Star Wars Universe, you can read about it here- , but it only needs five minutes of screen time to realise Ozzel is a bungling incompetent that renders the Empire’s surprise attack on Hoth useless, an action which give us one of Star Wars’s best insults “He is as clumsy as he is stupid”.

    Vader wastes no time in admonishing Ozzel who he then strangles to death using the Force, something only hinted at in A New Hope. It’s a shocking moment when Ozzel falls down, clutching at his own throat and is punctuated by the best ever line concerning a job promotion in movies:

    “You are now in command, ADMIRAL Piett.”

    So Ozzel doesn’t get the best lines, but he does die rather wonderfully for making a mistake that at worst should have resulted in a written warning and two weeks on TIE Fighter scrubbing duty.

  2. mine is the storm trooper in Return of the Jedi that passes out in the scene where Darth Vader arrives at the Death Star. They edited it out (along with other classic cock ups) for the latest remastered DVD’s but I have the originals on video – classic.

  3. My favourite Star Wars character is Boba Fett – you know he’ll get the job done, no matter what it is. He is awesome and really comes to life in Return of the Jedi. Although we will forget the being hit in the back by a blind man incident!

  4. Mine’s Sabé from The Phantom Menace. OK she spent half the film playing Amidala but she did play a pivotal part 😛

  5. My all time favourite is ‘Lowbacca’ Wookiee Jedi knight and Chewbacca’s nephew.

  6. Anzat
    According to the Jedi Master Zao, the soup that Anzati drank was the future, and thus, the Force. Because of this, Anzati who drank the soup of another Force-sensitive would strengthen his connection to the Force.

  7. c3p0 & r2d3
    the obvious parody of the robots behaving more humanly
    than the robotic acting of the humans

  8. it has to be the rancor in return of the jedi in jabbas palace when luke gets trapped and is nearly eaten alive – classic scenes

  9. The Dianoga, the creature that lives in the trash compactor and tries to eat everyone. I was also one of the privileged few who actually saw the broadcast Christmas Special and I was convinced it was part of the first film – my favorite from this was Lumpy, Chewbaccas’ son. The grandfather was creepy though.

  10. Mine has got to be the EWOKS! When I first saw the empire strikes back, I hassled my mum for so long to get me one for a pet, as I though they were real! omg, the grief I get for that now.

  11. It must be Darth Maul for his cool tattooed appearance and the double ended lightsaber. Plus the brilliant fight between him Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  12. Asajj Ventress
    Very scary, sinister and angry. More menacing than most badies

    top character

  13. Captain Juno Eclipse a Female Imperial pilot and Galen Marek’s love interest in The Force Unleashed. A good female role.

  14. Princess Leia. . . all that wobbling about in her white romper suit did things for me!

  15. the stormtrooper who bangs his head. now thats a guy you can rely on to do the business

  16. Yoda IS one of the most renowned and powerful Jedi Masters in galactic history, who was known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force and skills in lightsaber combat. Yoda served as a member of the Jedi High Council in the last centuries of the Galactic Republic and reigned as Grand Master of the Jedi Order before, during and after the devastating Clone Wars. Following the Battle of Geonosis Yoda held the title of Master of the Order in addition to that of Grand Master. In his centuries of service to the galaxy and the Force, Grand Master Yoda had a hand in the training of near to all the Jedi in the Order

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