Headingley’s HEART Centre is screening some great films at this year’s Scalarama. Manager MIKE BIRD has also put together a special film quiz, though he’s not giving much else away as he takes on our Scalarama Interview Challenge…
Describe your first film memory
Possibly watching re-runs of the original 1934 Flash Gordon [with Buster Crabbe, film fans] at a Saturday morning screening at the ABC in Norwich.
There is a cinema called Heaven and it’s playing your favourite film. What is it and what’s so good about it?
Casablanca. A near perfect film.
Describe your events at this year’s ScalaramaLeeds Festival and tell us why people should be excited.
Cutter’s Way [Ivan Passer‘s rarely seen 80s neo-noir], Mid 90s [Jonah Hill‘s coming of age skater flick] and Do the Right Thing [Fight the Power!], as well as the Oxfam Film Quiz. All different: one showing in our café, one part of Film at Heart; and Do the Right Thing offering food and film with an introduction, all for a tenner.
What is the best thing about ScalaramaLeeds?
Other than your own (obvs), which events at this year’s Scalarama are you most looking forward to and why?
Cutter’s Way. Yes, it’s being shown at HEART, but this is not a film that gets a lot of screenings and the fact that we’ll be showing it in the café with a screen recently installed is a whole new thing! [Which part of ‘other than your own’ did you not understand, Mike?]
Is film truly the Seventh Art? What is your evidence for this ludicrous claim? (We see your Seventh Seal and raise you Titanic..!)
A double bill is a work of art in itself… There are a few at this year’s Scalarama. Describe your fantasy double bill.
Armageddon and Raise the Titanic. What do you mean, NO?!
What are your plans after the tinsel has settled?
No more popcorn for a month!
Cutter’s Way is on 9th September, 8.00 pm. Mid-90s is on 10th September, 8.00 pm. Do the Right Thing is on 11th September, 6.30. Oxfam Film Quiz is on 18th September (max 5 per team). All at The Heart Centre, Headingley. Details here.
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